Blue Bio Value is dedicated to bringing ocean-based, sustainable solutions for a new, blue bioeconomy. We scale up marine bio-based projects and ideas, fostering science based and biotech innovations that design a better world, by allowing the decoupling of raw materials from natural resources, and/or replacing high carbon emissions-solutions by low, neutral, or even negative ones.

The ocean can be an engine to decarbonise, not just ocean industries, but global economy as a whole. Where the Industrial Revolution represented a paradigm shift, now we need an Environmental Revolution.
Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Oceano Azul Foundation CEO
“The programme was especially advantageous, from the perspective of opening geographical markets and contacts.”
“I’m a scientist and I don’t know much about business. That’s why I am here, to learn about business.”
“It has helped us a lot to improve our business model and fine tune it.”
“From our experience in other programs this is by far the Best dedicated accelerator program for blue bio companies.”
“For those in Ocean technology, looking to be a part of the wave of blue tech, and be surrounded by a strong community of enabling innovators and entrepreneurs. The Blue Bio Value Accelerator’s the place to be.”