Cookie policy

About the Cookies

Subject to prior consent of the user, the use of this website enables the placing of cookies on the computer or user devices

Cookies and their purpose

Cookies are small text files that a website installs on your computer or device through which you browse when you access it. Cookies allow the website to remember your actions and navigation preferences for a certain period of time and are therefore used by us to process and manage your requests in the most efficient way, as well as to develop and improve our services and the operation of this website.

We note that, in general, cookies do not include details that can be used to identify you.

We use cookies to improve the performance and browsing experience of our users, increasing the speed and efficiency of response, as well as eliminating the need of repeatedly entering the same information.

Technical cookies for internal use – This website uses cookies for internal use that are essential for the functioning of the website, such as those that allow authentication and keeping the registered user’s session open when browsing the website.

Analytical Cookies – This website uses analytical cookies to collect statistical information about the user’s activity on the website and general website activity. The information collected offers the ability to optimize navigation and to guarantee the best service to the user, analyzing, for example, the number of pages visited, the language used, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the time of visits, the browser used, among other information. The user can exclude her activity through the exclusion systems available in the analytical tools or through the settings of his own browser.

Advertising Cookies – Cookies that are normally stored by third parties that manage the advertising spaces that users see when accessing this website. These Cookies allow you to measure the effectiveness of our online campaigns, provide the user with information of interest and offer you advertising content of your choice, as well as limit the number of advertising initiatives that are sent to each user.

In accordance with their own policies, some advertising managers may use anonymous cookies to show ads of interest to users when visiting other web pages. However, users can manage the acceptance or not of these cookies through the configuration of their browser.

Social network function cookies – Some social networks, such as Facebook, or third party websites and services, offer advertisers the opportunity to generate advertisements on these channels, when the user visits the website – personalizing target audiences that use social networks, websites or other services.

This allows us to directly reach these users in the means of the said third parties, offering information, promotions or advertising content that are adapted to the interests of our users. In addition, our website contains content in which social media buttons have been included so that users can share our content on social media.

We do not control the cookies that each social network installs, although these may be a means of controlling the start of a session or showing the number of times that certain content has been shared.

We recommend that all users review their privacy conditions and cookies on each social network, and in this case, modify the privacy parameters in each one of them, to limit the tracking purposes that, in each case, can be carried out.